Winter Camp Meeting 2010 | Richard Parks Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

My overriding impression of the Winter Camp-meeting centered around Pastor Rodney’s vision of making the church available to as many people as humanly possible. This is not to say to specifically make his church, but to make “church service” available to all.

Returning guest speakers Ted Shuttlesworth and Ron Kussmaul are legends in their own right. They have taken the gospel to ”all the world.” Drummond Thom and his sister, Robyn were also a joy to have join us, along with other notable personalities. The fellowship: praise and worship supported by Becky’s healing song and the contributions of Big John Hall, and the voice of Tim Gidley brought the entire church body closer together. Surely, each felt as though a great spiritual bond; a direct connection was made between our worship and our soul and spirit as the entire assemblage was brought into one common voice.

Throughout the camp-meeting The River received countless phone calls and E-mails from viewers participating over the internet or by TV satellite. There is no way to estimate how many souls were reached in those eight days.

Both regulars and new faces arrived nightly through the church bus ministry. There was an opportunity to experience a world outside the small box that had been their world. This taste of today may have sparked some to look further into a life outside poverty and lack.

Prior River students returned to reconnect and update themselves with the growing vision of the church. They witnessed the new and latest electronic technology tools now available to win individual souls as never before.

Pastor has taken the message outside the four walls, sic, in steps. First, with street evangelism, then with tents, then the “Great Awakening Tour”, more street evangelism, and now electronically it is finally possible as never before in the history of our planet, he and the church can satisfy “The Great Commission”.
Our Pastor’s vision to reach as many souls as possible in the uncertain time available has propelled him and his church into using all that God has accumulated to date in the realm of electronic technology. Interfacing with available broadcasting from the church 24/7 now underway over the internet and by way of satellite TV, together with the aid of inexpensive antennas, make individual church broadcasting available and affordable to nearly every size church on the planet. This is no small accomplishment. Only God could bring and satisfy this vision. He would not have said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel” and not make it possible, finally, in this hour.