Alexis Testimony

One thing God has shown me is that I AM called.  I used to think that I was called, because I heard so many people tell me, but now I KNOW that I am.

I know who I am in Christ and that I am approved by God Himself , so I no longer look for mans approval.  God also has lead me by His Holy Spirit to study the book of Romans to fully understand my rightful place as a believer, and the importance of my calling.  I now have such a passion for the people to know they are also called, and to truly help them know who they are in Christ because this is the foundation of life.  it is truly an honor and a privilege to be hand selected by the Almighty God.

Naomi H. Testimony

That same morning Pastor Rodney asked everyone to stand and gave an alter call and said, “If you feel that your suppose to be going to the school or if you didn’t sign up yet due to finances then come up here right now.” Well I stood in my seat not sure if I wanted to do this or not and Pastor Rodney said “There are more of you I no it” come down right now!! So I said ok God if I’m going to do this I have to step out of my comfort zone and put my trust in you!! So I came down and decide that I was going to school. Like this particular Pastor said so far it’s been one of the best choices I could have made for myself. Since starting school I have learned so many things. I saw that I was relying more on friends then I was God. It took me being taken out of my comfort zone to see that. It was like one of those I had to be taken out of the picture so I could see my own picture but from the outside. I have been taken out of my comfort zone already and am learning to put all my trust in God and no body else but him. Because with God by my side I can get thru anything!! I have made lots of new friends that have helped me thru things that I was going thru by sharing there testimony of things there going thru. God put who I needed in my path at the time I needed them. I just had to trust in him that he would. I now have a better understanding of things and have grown a lot already in my relationship with God. I had that same friend who told me I should go to the school tell me that I am looking like a total new person. How that since going thru this school so far I have so many more smiles and I just look awesome!! Hearing that encouraged me all the more and encouraged me that I had made the right choice. I am really learning a lot about everything and all the while a lot about my Faith and how to use it more. I no that my God is bigger then any fear I have!! I just have to step out and know that he is there to catch me when I fall. As well as being there with continued encouragement when I have to step out of my comfort zone. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me thru this next year. I no that the best is yet to come…..Naomi H.

Sheila Testimony

Since hearing this message on the parable of the sower, and wanting desperately to allow God to break up the fallow ground in the garden of my heart to be ready to receive the word.   After learning that offenses and persecution will come because of the word I had the opportunity to apply the word to an offense recently.  It caught me off guard and when I started to react, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the word sown. I realize this was an area the enemy uses against me.  I said, ok God, this is the area that needs work I yield to you, take it out I refuse to allow offenses, distract me from receiving all that you have for me.  Because of the teachings, I came to the place where I realized the word of God was talking to me. I got it with my heart.   I was able to see that God was showing me how I am reacting in these situations.  Jesus is the living word.  The seed is Jesus in your heart and when that seed take root in the garden of your heart and begins to sprout roots and grow it will produce fruit.  I have to make the decision if the seed is going to grow and become fruitful or if the seed will remain a seed.  If the word never takes root then I have no fruit to operate Gods way. But once I was able receive it in my heart it began to take root in order to grow to produce fruit.  Now I know that not only is He living in me but can come alive in me, by the work of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah (Mark 4:9  ….. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.) I have heard.

Rodney Howard Browne – Taylor Testimony

In Matthew 13, I can find a way to match every parable according to what is going on in my life. Like the parable of the seeds and which ground they were sowed into. When it says that the Word was sown in the stony place, I think of a “hard heart” in which your heart can’t receive the Word, when you hear the Word and it convicts you, it causes offense. This parable reminds me of how I used to be, I thought I was always right and whenever someone would “throw” the Word at me, I got resentful towards the Word.

Now, the ground that had thorns in it, ended up choking the Word out. This convicts me of when I let something slip out of my mouth that’s not from the Word of God. I get convicted when I act in the flesh, I can completely relate to this seed. But it has been getting better as I get the Word inside of me. Most of the time, I end up catching myself before I let the thorns choke the Word out of me.

Just by working on adjusting my actions and attitude by the Word, I can see some fruit starting to come up. I notice that I am starting to love people like I need to, and look past their flesh and see their great future through Christ. Another great fruit I can see is gentleness, because I used to be a rowdy person, always getting uptight and wanting to physically release anger by using a punching bag or listening to crazy worldly music. Now I find myself calm, gentle, and soaking in godly anointed music now that the Word has taken root over the months.


Rodney Howard Browne – Natalya Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.


My heart is full of praise and thanksgiving to our Lord and also to Pastors Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne for granting us the full scholarships to one of the best Bible Institutes on the earth. It’s such a privilege and honor for me to be right in the middle of the great awakening and the great revival that is about to pour out on this country. It’s a privilege to live in the times of God’s glory that we are about to see.

When I came to one of the recent conferences in the River church, God showed me the vision. It was my grandmother’s village in the western part of Ukraine. I used to come to visit her a lot. I’ve seen a huge field of ripe wheat that was ready for harvest. The Lord spoke to me “I am giving you your grandfather’s harvest.” I understood, the harvest was souls. You see, my grandfather was the pastor in that village up until the communists came to occupy west Ukraine in 1939.

One night the loud rude knock on my grandfather’s door took him forever.  His mission was not finished; he was only about thirty seven.

Now I have been preparing for that mission in such a fine school. The Lord is stretching my faith and teaching me to stay still and wait upon Him in this school. I just started RBI1 in January.

Thank you, Pastor Rodney again for paying the price and making it possible for me and many others.


Rodney Howard Browne – Sirkku T. Testimony

The Lord has been so wonderful to us. He showed us a scripture when we were praying for direction for our life. It was Isa. 45:1-3. God told us we would do more than we can ever image and things that are impossible with man but in order for that we had to step into our high calling and live a supernatural life. That required total dependence and trust on Him.

We had such peace after we decided to come here and everything worked out great. We have been so blessed in every way since we landed here. God has provided everything very quickly for us and more. We have been given seed to sow and we have been able to sow and bless other people as well.

Rodney Howard Browne – The very first day in bible school the Lord touched me with His fire and totally changed my level of trust in Him. This is what the Lord said ”You are safe here. I have put you under authority. I have set you apart. You will go to the next level.” He is doing a deep work inside of me concerning trusting only in Him. Sirkku T.

Rodney Howard Browne – Lorne Y. Testimony

Prior to the 2011-2012 RBI Revival The Lord had done so many things for me.  He had broken off doubt and unbelief in order to increase my faith.  He removed anger and depression and all of the bondages associated with them.  He took away fear and anxiety and replaced it with peace and joy.  He had already removed pride, arrogance and a judgmental spirit.  He had not only removed all debt to sin, but He had also removed all monetary debt to the world.  He broke all co-dependency to man and replaced it with a co-dependency to Him.   He is in the process of renewing and restoring my marriage and  is in the process of healing and setting free my wife.  He broke off greediness, covetousness and jealousy and if that was not enough he also saved my son.

I am not the same person that came through the doors at RMI over a year ago.  I really am a new creation, the old me is truly dead.

So what  has The Lord done for me during the last two weeks?  Glad you  asked.   During this time, The Lord blessed him and his wife with a beautiful and affordable new apartment.  He has also blessed me with a new job that will allow me to stay in  school and still pay for all of my expenses.  He has opened new doors of opportunity in business so that I can move beyond my needs and focus on the needs of others and the harvest.

I have in the last two weeks personally come to a deeper realization that I need The Lord in every area of my life. Him in my marriage, in my finances, in my schooling, in my ministry work, and in my job.  I can do all things much more effectively and efficiently and with better results, if He is directly involved in ALL of my situations and circumstances.

Rodney Howard Browne am looking forward to a great year and an even deeper and meaningful walk with The Lord…..Lorne Y.

Rodney Howard Browne – Luz M. Testimony

Week two a lot of troubles in my family started to happen like hecould never imagine, things that really hurt, but I was not going to let the enemy take my Joy away.  I was a lot more blessed that week that I had been before.  Even though I was going threw a lot of troubles the most beautiful thing was when I would call Jesus name and he would show up where ever he was, He helped me understand a lot of things and that it was all necessary so I would see he his Glory.  Being in RBI on week two helped me understand that no matter where ever you are when you call Jesus he always shows up it dose not necessary has to be son Sundays in church.  On Friday night on week two we decided to make it another youth prayer night and it was better than the week before,  this time a lot more youth showed up because they had herd of what had happened last Thursday and they experienced them selves what God had showed us last week.  That night again Gods power was all over me, we wore going to make the last prayer of the night and we made a circle but I started to become really dicey till he had to hold on some one I couldn’t see straight any more than I fall on the floor I started crying like no other till Rodney Howard Browne couldn’t cry any more than the spirit of Joy was there and hit the place again and filled the youth with Joy.

Bringing good news to South Africa

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