Rodney Howard Browne – Sarah H. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Soul winning has changed my life. When I was first introduced to the ministry of Pastors Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne and The River Church of Tampa Bay I was in no way a soul winner. I truly didn’t understand the love of Jesus and the commission we have all been called to do. Since leaving my home of Texas to pursue the call of God I found out really quick that soul winning isn’t just a program, it is a passion.

I have nearly finished the first year of school at The River Bible Institute and soul winning started out being a weekly event. Since then the power of the gospel has changed my life to becoming a daily soul winner. It has taken months for the Lord to prepare my heart to speak in love toward others regardless of their reactions, but mostly to build the character of being bold when approaching someone.

The Holy Spirit is real and he needs us to stop and listen so work of the kingdom will not go undone. Every Saturday me and my 2 boys (Ages 9 and 5) wake up with the anticipation that God has divine appointments for us. What a joy to see what God is doing in my boys and in my family. To hear them pray and lead someone to the Lord, there are no words to describe it. I know that not only our lives have been changed but the gospel has brought freedom to the captives.

There are so many testimonies of Gods goodness and grace. I have witnessed supernatural healings, seen the hearts of people break down and repent, and I have also seen the blessings of the Lord. I have seen the love of Jesus flow through me in I way I couldn’t. There is nothing greater than doing the work of the kingdom and allowing God to use you. In all I do I will Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.