Rodney Howard Browne – Rickie H. Testimony

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Soul winning has greatly impacted not only my life, but my family’s life as well. Soul winning has become a culture to me, and it is not just something that is required of me to do because of being in bible school. I love when I, wife and two boys get to go out soul win as a family. As I see my 8 year old and 5 year old lead not only kids who are around their age, but adults as well, it puts a huge smile on my face.

There are times that I am not able to go out on the streets during the week at the allocated times due to me work schedule, however, there are times I will make calls from the bus ministry phone list on Saturdays. During this time, I have the privileged in not only leading some of them to the Lord over the phone, but I also have the opportunity to pray with people concerning specific needs in their life. In my life, soul winning is about giving my time to others to share the good news and walking in love to all.

Soul winning is something that is done every single day of your life, twenty four hours per day, and three hundred and sixty five days per year. It personally took me time to yield to the Holy Spirit and to be sensitive when He is prompting me to lead someone specific to the Lord. I have learned to be bold and yield to the Holy Spirit. Soul winning has forever changed my life and I know I will never be the same person again. The only thing that I will be able to take with me when I go to heaven is souls, so I am going to make sure that I can do everything in my power to help populate heaven and plunder hell.