My Winter Camp Meeting Experience | Dawn Kleisath Testimony

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I cant say enough awesome things about Winter Camp Meeting! Lets start. This was my first one so did not know what to expect really. I was surprised, pleased and shocked. It was wild! Definitely people here were drunk and high like I have never seen before. I was drunk and high on the new wine that one night, I had to wait 2 hours before I could drive home. Beetel had to escort me to my car and told me not to leave yet. I was hit hard that night by the fire of God. Pastor Rodney was calling out healings. I stepped outside a few mins. To say goodbye to my guest who had to leave, I came back in and Pastor called out that people who had thyroid diseases to come to the front. Well that was me, so I came down to the front visibly shaken my h head in my hands, crying. Pastor touched me and the next thing I know I am on the ground spread out, and I feel this burning sensation all through my body, I was shaking and felt like screaming but didn’t, just some moaning. Then I felt joy and started laughing. I was perplexed by it.

I must have been on the carpet a while. Time was gone from me. I heard the Lord and He spoke to me stuff I cant mention here. But it was freeing. I was very drunk stumbling to my seat but very happy. I ‘m an ex alcoholic and drug addict and know what feeling drunk and high is all about. This was different much different. I spoke with Beetel after the services and he reassured me I’d be ok with no side effects. LOL I knew he would understand since were from the same neck of the woods. Praise God! God started a major healing in Winter Camp meeting 2010.